1 Serving
Difficulty: Medium
Prep Time: 45 Mins
Cook Time:
40 Mins
Total Time:
1 Hr 25 Mins
Adjust Servings
Pot Pie filling
- Pot pie Crust
- Cut all your vegetables up. Heat skillet up to med heat. Once heated up add carrots, celery, onion, and garlic.
- Cook til everything is soft. Then add the chicken broth. Let simmer so everything comes together.
- While that is on the stove, you need to make the crust. Add your flower to a bowl. Cut up your slightly chilled butter into small cubes. Add them slowly to the flower. Squishing the butter into the flower with your fingers.
- Once the dough is dough consistency, flatten it out to fit your pan. I used a pie pan. On a floured surface, use a rolling pin to flatten the dough out. Turning it every so often so you can get a circle shape. fit to pan. You will need one circle for the bottom of the pie then make another one to top the pie with.
- Bake in oven at 350 degrees for 10-15 minutes. Until it is brown. Let cool down.
- Once cooled enough, add the mixture that has been on the stove. Add it to the pie crust. Then add the other circle of dough you made to the top of the pie. You will want to close the pot pie edges with a fork. using a fork press the edges all around the pie. Poke holes in the top of the curst for gases to escape and juice to bubble over!
- Place in oven at 350 on the middle rack for 30-45 minutes.
- Once slightly browned on top, take it out of the oven to sit for at least ten minutes. It will be HOT so please be careful!!